Our Meetings

Attendance at the weekly meetings is mandatory, or you may send a designate from your company. This way, everyone benefits, everyone grows and everyone wins.

We meet at The London Hunt and Country Club every Wednesday from 11:30 am to 1:00 pm.

The London Hunt and Country Club

The London Hunt and Country Club

1431 Oxford Street West London, Ontario, Canada N6H 5E1

About LBN

What is LBN?

London Business Networking (LBN) is a group of professionals who meet weekly to learn about their businesses and to give qualified business referrals. There is only one seat available for a particular business or profession. Membership fees go back into the group for the purpose of marketing the group and the businesses within the group. Qualified leads lead to business growth and we’d all like more leads to new clients and customers. If you’d like to grow your business and expand your clientele, consider joining LBN.

Our vibrant and growing network has an average membership of about 25-30 business professionals who are active in London and area. We meet once each week on Wednesdays at The London Hunt and Country Club from 11:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. to learn about each another’s businesses and pass along qualified business referrals.

How Our Network Works

More than 35 qualified leads are passed along, on average, each week among our members.

The London Business Networking (LBN) group is successful in generating so many leads because we limit membership to just one seat for each particular business or profession. So for example, we have one lawyer, one florist, one chiropractor, one accountant, one veterinarian, and so on. At each lunch meeting, we take turns talking about ourselves and our news, and letting each other know what kinds of project work, clients or customers we are looking for.

The meeting ends with a round the table chance to pass along referrals personally to your fellow members, to give testimonials about the other members for good service that you or your associates have received, and to accept new leads and referrals for your own business.